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Tips for Basic Web Design

There are few basic concepts to keep in mind for a web designer while designing a website. These are applicable for both professional and non-professional web designers.

Starting from graphics, images on webpage are much more than your contents. Images should be relevant to your contents. This is because every image speaks about for what it has been used, if the images are not relevant, no one likes it. Size of these images should be quite low as much possible, heavy images always sucks your bandwidth speed. So try to keep them less as much possible. Most visitors
prefer standard color in images, images with flashing effect and/or bold bright colors will not help you to stuck visitors with your website.

I have seen few websites using nonstandard fonts. Fonts plays important role for your website. every font on every browser and operating system behaves differently, Some fonts are easily readable on all systems while some are difficult to. Try to use standard fonts which look similar on all type of browsers and operating systems. You should limit number of fonts in your web design; more number of fonts confuses users and doesn’t make a positive impression on them.

Website layout should be standardized. You may like using more frames and non-standard scroll on your web page but it will simply lose your visibility to user. User prefer standard and easy thing. You can use 2 or 3 column layout for your webpage with the help of whitespace and CSS. These types of layouts are much more popular these days.

You must test you website on different browsers and operating systems, I can understand that purchasing all operating systems is quite costly. But you can use as more as browsers as they are available free for almost all operating systems. Recommendation is at least 3 to 4 browsers with latest and one to two year old version can be used for testing of website. With these testing you should know what changes in design required for your website to be opened on all platforms. Without testing you will never know about your site's performance and may fail to get visitors.

Your readers are above all, if you are using and advertising system to generate any revenue from your website. Then it’s time to limit it, try to reduce ads from your website. Visitors want quality content from your and this is the purpose they visit you. More ads will not get you any visitors.

Last Words: We should use only important information with light weight graphics, use of standard fonts and layout with quality testing on several browsers and operating systems to make our web design simple.

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