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Turn your Laptop PC into Wi-Fi Hotspot

Now a days electronic devices like Laptop PC already comes with the universal Wi-Fi hardware built into them and they have the ability to connect to outside Wireless networks. When we talk about running Wi-Fi network on an PC/Laptop, we have to buy and install a separate Wi-Fi device along with its software in order to connect to a Wi-Fi network. 

Do you know that Wi-Fi card or external device on your Laptop/PC can be converted into Wi-Fi Hotspot to connect other devices. And in order to create a Wi-Fi Hotspot you will be needed the help of third party tools which are available in market (Free and Paid both).

Today we will be explaining the method of converting your Laptop/PC into Wi-Fi Hotspot for sharing Laptop/PC’s internet connection, but without help of any third party software. 

The initial and the primary method of creating Wi-Fi Hotspot is very simple, but it will be required to use the command prompt on windows. Below are the instructions that will help you to get a free guide through the process.

Note: You will need to have a working internet connection on your Laptop/PC that may be Wi-Fi dongle or LAN internet connection in order to create host as a Wi-Fi Hotspot.

Step 1: First, we have to open system Network and Sharing Center Followed by Control panel and then by clicking right on our main network and selecting properties i.e the network that we are using to access the internet.

Step 2: Click on the sharing tab and select "Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection". Also select working internet connection from dropdown list that may be LAN connection or Wi-Fi dongle.

Step 3: Click OK And close.

Step 4: Open the Command prompt with help of Administrator right.

Step 5: Now, Type in the following command
"netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=HotSpot key=12345678"
Here "Hotspot" is the name of the Wi-Fi Hotspot that will be visible on other devices and key is the password that will be required to authenticate the connection. We can also change it to any other name of our choice.

Step 6: Next we have to type second command
"netsh wlan start hostednetwork"

Your Wi-Fi Hotspot is ready to use now.

Step 7: To terminate or shut down the Hotspot connection, use following command in the command prompt.
"netsh wlan stop hostednetwork"

Note: Do not copy double quotes in command.

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