Formatting Data & Cells in Excel Worksheet
Visually good is working good and this is important fact of your professional life. And in continuation to our recent posts “Shortcuts to Navigate Inside Excel Worksheets” and “Shortcuts to Insert and Edit Data in Excel Worksheet” here are few more shortcuts
to beautify your data as well as worksheet. Try these
Formatting Data & Cells in Excel Worksheet
Formatting Numbers
Ctrl + Shift + ~
Apply the General number format
Ctrl + Shift + !
Apply the Number format with two
decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values
Ctrl + Shift + @
Apply the Time format with the hour
and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M.
Ctrl + Shift + #
Apply the Date format with the day,
month, and year
Ctrl + Shift + $
Apply the Currency format with two
decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + %
Apply the Percentage format with no
decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Apply the Scientific number format
with two decimal places
F4 or Ctrl+y
Repeat last formatting action: Apply
previously applied Cell Formatting to a different Cell
Formatting Cells
Ctrl + 1
Format cells dialog
Ctrl + b (or ctrl + 2)
Apply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl + i (or ctrl + 3)
Apply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl + u (or ctrl + 4)
Apply or remove an underline
Ctrl + 5
Apply or remove strikethrough
Ctrl + Shift + f or
Ctrl + Shift + p |
Display the Format Cells window,
press tab 3 times to get to font size
Alt + ' (apostrophe / single quote)
Display the Style dialog box
Data Alignment in Cells
Alt + h + a + l
Left Align
Alt + h + a + c
Center Align
Alt + h + a + r
Right Align
Applying Borders to Cells
Ctrl + Shift + &
Apply outline border from cell or
Ctrl + Shift + _ (underscore)
Remove outline borders from cell or
Ctrl + 1, then Ctrl + Right Arrow /
Left Arrow
Access border menu in 'Format Cell'
dialog. Once border was selected, it will show up directly on the next Ctrl+1
Alt + t*
Set top border
Alt + b*
Set bottom Border
Alt + l*
Set left Border
Alt + r*
Set right Border
Alt + d*
Set diagonal and down border
Alt + u*
Set diagonal and up border
* works in Cell Format 'Border'
Dialog Window
Good Luck!